today i visited The Einar Jónsson Museum as i'd planned since last week. very fortunately, yesterday at the swimming pool, i met a man who works at this museum. he said "there are two entrances, if you can't find me at the first entrance, visit second one". then, at the first entrance, a girl was there, not he was. i asked the way how to get to the second one. she explained the way to go, but my brain was not enough good to remember the directions! i asked her again to make sure the way.
but, she said to me "don't worry it's ok if you are lost for a few minuets, because this is a very beautiful museum" i… i liked that sentence very much....!!! as if it was a magical spell of beginning of a story or suddenly the doors opened or anyway like that. i was almost lost in magic....!!! i really really liked that.
the museum is … actually very special. i can't find words exactly how i was inspired from his works… haven't seen anything like them, huge, mythical sculptures. i'm sure i definitely need to go back there again.
i thought… or i was sure. i had been just waiting today to visit there.
i knew this museum since 2004 and i tried to visit there many times, but i couldn't make it somehow till today. even ASí art museum i exhibited in 2009 is located just around the next door, even i stayed at the guesthouse only 2mins walk to the museum last week. ..i didn't visit.
Obviously it was really nice i could get a perfect guide to show me around the museum from yesterday swimming pool :) and as i mentioned above rather dramatic words i was gifted from the girl. i am thankful for those happenings soooo much :)
his name is Þorbjörn Þorgeirsson. very icelandic name :)
今日は予定してた通り The Einar Jónsson Museum に行った。きのうスイミングプールで偶然この美術館で働いている男の人に会ったんだけど、その彼が「入り口は2つあるから、1つ目で自分を見つけられなかったら、2つ目に来て」と言ってて、で、行ってみると1つ目には彼の代わりに、女の子がいた。だからその女の子に2つ目の入り口の行き方を訪ねてみたけど、私の頭は道順を覚えるだけの実力がない!だから、もう一回確かめるため聞こうとしたら「心配しないで、少し迷っても大丈夫、だってここはとても美しい美術館だから」ってその女の子は私に言ったの・・・なんか、すごくスペシャルな言葉だった。まるで何か物語の始まりみたいな・・・実際、美術館は本当にスペシャルで、まだ上手に言葉が見つけられないけど、とてもすごかった。見た事のない彫刻たちが、とても大きくて、ドカーンといっぱい現れた。わたし、きっと今日の日を待ってたんだろうな。だって、この美術館のことは2004年から知ってて、何度も来ようと思ってたのに来れてなくて、昨日プールで会った人に案内してもらえるラッキーはもちろん、そのおかげで別の女の子にマジカルな言葉までもらえた!こういうマジカルな瞬間に、とっても感謝してしまうのです。
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