Kristmundur. sometimes he is in charge(?) of me at the station. He often nicely offered for me to join the car when he needed to go somewhere. he knew it may be the great interest for me ;) I really like it... i mean... i really like it!!! i think... he is the one of my important resources!! Icelandic people are super kind and always try to help people if we want to do, want to know something. But the problem for me is... things in Iceland (especially in the country side) are usually very beyond of my knowledge and imagination. So, even i want to know something (yes i want to know something!!) but i can't even guess what are the things, I have no idea what to ask.... but!! i am more than sure, so many things the icelandic people have in them. i just need to pick up the information from the drawer in their brain and heart! Kritmundur is very good on it, because he also enjoys to share what he has in himself:) on the road, if he saw something, he explained about them to me with his lots of lots of lots of experiences and knowledge.
icelandic people respect sheep very much because of so many reasons. i think i have now more or less similar respect feelings to sheep.
on the way back, he took the longer way for me and took me to a little accommodation in the middle of nooooowhere. this is the place his friends run.
also he showed me 'the connection point' for the electricity.
and very very many more so detail important stories i heard from him, but those details are coming later (maybe...!)